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Friday, 29 November 2013

It's my 20th week on the 5/2 diet, and it's going well!

Firstly, I'd like to apologise to all those readers who have been waiting patiently for another interesting post from me! I'm sorry too that there are no photos this time, life is getting so busy that I haven't been focusing on taking photos and developing recipes for you.

I am however, quite excited, because I have finally reached my first goal a week ago and I have made a new goal to lose another 10kg. I haven't set a time frame for that, but I am already 1kg down on that!

Life has been very hectic lately, I've travelled up to Brisbane 3 times in the last few months, and my choir has just had its annual Christmas concert. It was my first experience in many years of performing in public, and it was a lot of fun! We have more functions that we have been asked to sing at, so that will be keeping me busy over the next month.

I'm finding that this diet fits very well into my life, it does feel as if its a way of life, and I haven't found it too hard. Not very hard at all! I've had a bit of tummy rumbling and a few days of painful spasms, and when I visited the Dr. he suggested it may be from eating lots of raw vegetables, but I am not so sure. I've been cooking my veg over the last week, and I'm also trying to stay away from gluten to see if that makes a difference. I probably just haven't had enough water! Never the less, I have still been fasting on 2 days of the week, and I'm still trying to stick to 1200cal on most of the other days. It's working and last night I tried on a dress that I haven't worn in a long time and both my husband and my daughter agreed that it looks better on me now than it did before! How exciting!

I hope that all of you readers are continuing to have success on your journey too. I am looking forward to the challenges that this Christmas season will bring, but I have proved that I can get through all kinds of difficult situations this year, so I know I can do it! Let me encourage you to stick to your resolution and don't give up! The results are so worth it, even though it takes a long time, there is so much to gain and only weight to lose!

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

November and I'm still here...

To those of you who have been following my blog, I wanted to post a little bit, just to let you know that I haven't given up and I think of you all often, wondering about what I might be eating and thinking. Worrying weather I have given up and am just too embarrassed to tell you!

Well, I have been extremely busy in the last month or two! I've driven to Brisbane with my husband, taking 2 days to drive up, spending 2 days with family and then taking another 2 days to drive home. I managed to fast on the first and last days of travelling, so I managed to lose weight that week, even though I had had quite a few rich foods!

Within 2 weeks, it was necessary for me to fly up to Brisbane again for 4 days this time, and I'm afraid I had no control over the food I ate, I don't mean I lost control, I just was polite and ate what I was given. I wasn't logging all the food I ate and weighing myself as I usually do every day.

Home again and then a friend came to visit for 4 days, so there was a bit of eating out, and entertaining. I don't like to fast in front of other people because I don't want them to feel as if I think they should too, because I don't think that! I want them to feel comfortable and at home. Fasting can wait a few days.

Because of all this business, and entertaining, and putting off of fasting days, I have gained weight. I think too that I got so close to my first goal weight, that I've slacked off slightly.

I am fasting today! I made myself a batch of chicken and vegetable soup and I'm nearly through the afternoon. I have had my normal cup of coffee this morning with 30ml skim milk, 1 cup of my chicken and vegetable soup, and a nectarine so far, and I have around 350 calories left for dinner and an afternoon snack! I'm sure I'll make it, and I'll see the rewards tomorrow, so it will be worth feeling a little bit hungry.

Thanks for thinking of me while I've been away, why not leave me a message of support and encouragement. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!